4 Simple Facts You Should Know About Courage

Courage is…

Berthran Benaiah
2 min readJan 9, 2022
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Courage gets thrown around a lot these days.

Courage is mental strength. It is the ability to persevere despite difficulties.

Days of distress are sure to come. However, how we cope would depend on the strength of our inner man.

Most persons seeking to lead an extraordinary life are aware that on their quest, courage is an indispensable tool, yet a lot find it hard to push through when distresses and challenges front them.

These are four (4) things you must know about courage:

Courage Is Not A Feeling

Courage requires you often to act despite how you feel.

Courage Compounds

Courage adds up. One action at a time, one decision at a time.

Courage Is Visionary

A courageous person looks at the future before making decisions today.

Courage Is Persistent

Courage insists until the desired outcome is achieved.

“If you show yourself lacking courage on the day of distress, your strength is meager.” — King Solomon

Distress days would come by. On the days when your hopes are dashed, your expectations crushed, and everything seems pointless, if you show a lack of courage in that day, it is proof that your strength is meager.
Your lack of courage had been tailing you but you did not take notice.

Courage cannot be summoned at the moment of crisis if it has been squandered by series of compromise or rationalization.

We must now sow the seed of courage, if we would reap a harvest of courageousness on the day of distress.



Berthran Benaiah
Berthran Benaiah

Written by Berthran Benaiah

Writing coach | Top Writer | Growth Enthusiast | Unorthodox Thinker

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